Monday, February 24, 2014

Old Posts

January 2014
You can follow me @mrgjordan on Twitter.
8th grade accelerated teachers: NYS got a waiver to eliminate double-testing.
The final Grade K-1 modules are released. Many grade levels have one more released per grade, check on the update link. Grade 2-8 are still missing the final year's module(s).
December 2013
Algebra Updates: Including educator guide and sample questions.
Dodie Ainslie A local technophile and education leader from Vestal CSD offers a lot of great resources and links. I recommend the following games: Funny Numbers, Standard Algorithm, and kakooma. Though you can’t go wrong. I highly recommend his books as well especially the art/math book.
All regional teachers are invited to use a regional shared folder to share work we create. The link can be found here: Dropbox shared folders PK-5 and Gr 6-12.
November 2013
Planning review for the year alread? Consider the Test Maps from 2013.
NYS Master Teacher Program: If you are a 5-year + teacher of STEM disciplines you can be a SUNY Master Teacher.

New website recommendations:
November Network Team Institute Materials
New Initiatives
Windsor and M-E have launched a successful collaboration project. Materials can be accessed on dropbox.
If you need dropbox, please use this link to give our shared folder more space : )
October 2013
There is an initiative to stop double testing 8th graders.
Teachers are sharing an incredible amount of materials that can be accessessed in my document link to the left.

There is a Network Team Institute in November, I'll be going and taking my usual detailed (boring) notes and perhaps a video voice-over summary. New books have been published with module sequence and similar modeling. Common Core Inc is now releasing modules under the title "Eureka Math", a more traditional textbook form for the modules.
September 2013
Best links for seeing modeling and other great stuff, including Bill Davidson.
The first year of module instruction is begining for many teachers. For many it is incredibly different way of teaching mathematics.
Updates: You can find a list of all module updates here.
Instruction: Those who adopting the models and concept development components might find these videos helpful. We are also offering a whole bunch of module instruction PD this year. Check for registration.
Printing: Please make sure you follow your school's policy on printing. The modules are massive documents, many are now available as files for "Student" or "Teacher Editions". The duplication center needs the documents in the format you want when you order. If you have a word doc or pdf that is ready and school approved, you can send it to
Errors: (feel free to let let me know errors you find)
NOTE : Kindergarten: M1 Lesson 4 homework is currently being revised – an updated version will be posted soon. (Updated 9/13/13) 
August 2013
Andrew Chen released a new Learning Standards Map that has annotations.
Regionally, teachers are unpacking application problems, worksheets and homeworks. Erie2 Boces is posting some of their work Here. It's still a work in progress, our regional work can still be found under "Documents".
July 2013 Updates

 I just made a YouTube channel to make the "graphing Stories" videos embedded in the modules easier to find.
Here is a summary outline of the Gr 6-12 information:

Finally, every grade level that is teaching CCLS next year has module teaching materials to start the year.
More Modules released during this NTI session.

Gr K: 1, 2, 3
Gr 1: 1, 2
Gr 2: 1, 2, 3, 4
Gr 3: 1, 2, 5
Gr 4: 1, 2
Gr 5: 1, 2, 3
Gr 6-10: Module 1 (full*)

*Note these modules are pending final editorial review.
A prediction was made that more will be released by September and all by December.